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If youre still on Lightroom 6 or earlier, you have two options: You. Step One: Use the Camera Connection Kit like a card reader to enable your iOS device to connect to the memory card. Lightroom Classic is faster than Lightroom 6. If you want to update to Catalina, then its time to subscribe to the Photography Plan. Saves me the step of having to delete the photos from the device later on.

I generally keep my Camera Roll pretty empty because everything I capture on iOS goes directly into Lightroom, up to the cloud, and then down to Lightroom Classic, so I’ve also been eager to skip the middle man and just bring in the photos directly. Possibly the most welcome and long anticipated addition to the Lightroom mobile experience (iPhone and iPad), is the ability to import photos directly from a memory card into the Lightroom app without having to go through the device’s Camera Roll. Let’s take a look at the newest additions. However, the cloud-based Lightroom did also get a couple of new features that didn’t make it into the November release, along with the same new camera and lens support, and its own set of bug fixes. Lightroom Classic is all about new camera support, new lens profiles, and bug fixes. Fresh on the heels of the November 2019 update, Adobe has just released a “dot” release (version 9.1 for Lightroom Classic, 3.1 for Lightroom desktop, and 5.1 for Lightroom on iOS) that mainly adds in support for new cameras and lenses, as well as bug fixes across all platforms (but most notably dealing with Catalina OS issues).